
How To Set Reminder For Every Hour In Iphone

Frequent hand washing is one of the best means to protect yourself against harmful germs. Then why not make this a habit and set up hourly reminders on your iPhone and Mac. Although Apple tree Watch offers a quick solution with some tertiary-party reminder apps, you might not wear your smartwatch while working from home. Plus, you're probably deeply engrossed in some task or the other, which is why digital reminders can come to your rescue and help continue you healthy. So let'due south check out the steps involved.

  • How to Prepare Hourly Reminders on iPhone and iPad
  • Apply Siri to Set Up an Hourly Reminder on iOS Device
  • How to Gear up a Recurring Reminder on Mac

How to Ready Hourly Reminders on iPhone and iPad

  1. Open Reminders app on your iPhone or iPad
  2. If you have created several lists of reminders, cull anyone.
    On my iPhone, I have four lists: Family, Part, Friends, and Relatives. I have selected Family.
  3. Next, tap on New Reminder from the bottom left corner.Open Reminders Select List and Tap on New Reminders on iPhone
  4. Give a suitable name to this reminder; an obvious choice is Wash Easily
  5. Now tap on (i) next to the reminder
  6. Plow on 'Remind me on a day'.Turn On Remind me on a day Option on iPhone
  7. You can now see 'Remind me at a time' pick; y'all demand to toggle this switch ON. And, so tap on 'Repeat'Enable Remind me at a time and Tap on Repeat
  8. Select 'Hourly' → Tap on Washed push button from the pinnacle right corner.Set Hourly Reminders on iPhone

Yous have successfully set an hourly reminder on your iOS device. From now on, your device volition remind you to wash your easily every hour.

Use Siri to Ready an Hourly Reminder on iOS Device

In case y'all don't want to run through this transmission method, you tin invoke Siri to quickly set a reminder on your iOS device.

I hope you lot have activated Hey Siri on your device.

Now, use this single control: Hey Siri, remind me to wash hands every hour starting at 12 o'clock. Alternatively, you can ask: Hey Siri, gear up a reminder to wash hands every hour.

Siri will set an hourly reminder past picking upward a suitable time.

How to Prepare a Recurring Reminder on Mac

  1. Open Reminders app on your Mac. Open Reminders App on Mac
  2. Now, Select the list and click on the plus icon to add a new reminder. Select List and Click on Plus to Add Reminder
  3. Make full in the name of reminder
  4. Next, Click on (i).
  5. Cheque On a Day.
  6. Then check At a Time.Click on i icon to Enable Day and Time for Reminder on Mac
  7. Click RepeatCustom.Click on Repeat and Then Click on Custom
  8. Click Frequency and choose Hourly. Make sure it is 1 for hourly reminder. Click OK.Set Hourly Reminder on Mac
  9. Click on (i) or anywhere at the blank infinite in Reminder'south app. You will see the give-and-take 'Hourly' below the reminder.Click on i icon to Check Hourly Under Repeat on Mac

Summing up…

I think using Siri is a better fashion to rapidly ready hourly reminders on your Apple devices. In one case you accept done it successfully, keep washing your easily every hour to stay healthy.

You may besides check out this post How to Use Reminders App on iPhone and iPad


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